Monday 7 December 2015


Exposition - Setting scene and introducing the main characters. This can relate to our urban life film clip because the narrative starts with the establishing shots of the location that we will be filming in. Then we introduce the first character who has just been let out of prison, with no where to go.

Development - The situation develops whilst more characters introduced. The main characters are introduced properly here so to develop the situation they start by bumping into each other  and then end up in an argument, when look at each other  they realize they were each others high school sweethearts. 

Complication - Something happens to complicate the lives of the characters. As the main two characters, Stacey and Ali, another character called Dom comes and makes a massive stir in the situation. He goes over to Ali and claims his money back for the drugs he took without paying him back. This comes as a massive shock to Stacey. 

Climax - A decisive moment gets reached, the matters come to head and suspense high. Here the narrative breaks out into violence towards the end of the scene. This is shown through the body language of characters and physical actions when things get a bit out of control. this is shown through punching and smashed glass. 

Resolution - We have decided not to have a resolution to our film clip and to leave it on a cliff hanger. This is because it is just a scene in the film and it will lead onto more problems later in the film. So at the end of this scene we have created we end it with Ali on the floor after the fight whilst Dom runs away with Stacey, making it end in suspense of whats going to happen to Stacey, which is intriguing to the audience.

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