Wednesday 6 January 2016


Our psycho-graphic audience is the strugglers and reformers. The reason for strugglers is because they seek escape, therefore our film will give them an insight into a different lifestyle which will have a good impact upon them. Also they have few resources beyond physical skills, which is similar to our characters. Due to this they can relate to the people in the film which would perhaps make them feel better about themselves. Furthermore our reasoning for our psycho-graphic audience being reformers is because they seek enlightenment. In more detail this means that they do not like the thought of restrictions, which is in relation to our film because our characters do not follow rules such as partaking in violence. From this the reformers can witness these events whilst gaining a sense of rule breaking without doing it themselves and getting into trouble. More over it is said that reformers are anti-materialistic however are aware of good taste which is similar to our characters by the clothes that they are wearing. For example our main character Ali is not dressed in designer or smart clothes, however he still looks presentable for someone who has just come out of prison.


Class/income- Due to the fact that the lifestyle of our film is in a less wealthy environment and the characters aren't particularly high class, the viewers may be similar. On the other hand people of a high class and income may like to see the opposite of their lifestyle for entertainment.
Age-The age range of our audience will be at least 15 since it would be inappropriate for anyone under that age. Although there is not a limit on the maximum age, it is most likely that people under 30 will enjoy this film rather than the older generation because they may not find it as entertaining and enjoyable.
Gender-The gender of our audience will be both male and female. This is because there are male and female characters therefore there is someone for everyone to relate to in our film.
Interests/attitudes and beliefs- If people are strongly against illegal things such as the use of drugs and violence then our film would not be suitable for them as they may find it offensive. Therefore our audience will most likely be open to watch these events without having any problems with it being shown on a film.
Race- Due to the fact that there is not racism in our film it would definitely be suitable for any race without anyone being offended.